A Complete Guide to Modern Manners Pdf
The ultimate guide to modern manners from today’s authority on gracious living–“Town & Country.” “” In a world where the rules keep changing and informality reigns, how does one know how to behave with courtesy and grace? “Is it rude to keep checking my Blackberry during lunch with a friend?
A Complete Guide to Modern Manners Summary
The ultimate guide to modern manners from today’s authority on gracious living–“Town & Country.” “” In a world where the rules keep changing and informality reigns, how does one know how to behave with courtesy and grace? “Is it rude to keep checking my Blackberry during lunch with a friend? How do I speak with the parents of the child who bullies my son at school? And really–is a hand-written thank-you note still necessary?” “Town & Country Etiquette” has the answers to all these quandaries…and more. Written by a respected etiquette coach, it covers all of the traditional subjects (place settings at formal dinners, appropriate language for invitations), as well as those that are unique to our time: issues of privacy and cyberspace, personal interaction in an increasingly diverse society, and professional protocol in a global business environment. Written in the magazine’s sophisticated, witty voice, “Town & Country Etiquette” is filled with real-life anecdotes that help anyone–of any age and social status–learn the manners of the modern world.
Details Of A Complete Guide to Modern Manners by Jodi R. R. Smith
Name Of the Novel: A Complete Guide to Modern Manners
Author: Jodi R. R. Smith
Country: America
Language: English
Genre: Reference work
Publication date: 2011
Text: A Complete Guide to Modern Manners
Book Type: Pdf / ePub
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