Micromegas Pdf
Micromégas is a 1752 novella by the French philosopher and satirist Voltaire. Along with his story “Plato’s Dream”, it is an early example in the literary genre of science fiction and is a significant development in the history of literature.
Micromegas Summary
The story is organized into seven brief chapters. The first describes Micromégas (small/large), an inhabitant of one of the planets that orbit Sirius. His homeworld is 21.6 million times greater in circumference than the Earth. Micromégas stands 120,000 feet (37 km) tall. When he is almost 450 years old, approaching the end of his infancy, Micromégas writes a scientific book examining the insects on his planet, which at 100 feet (30 m) are too small to be detected by ordinary microscopes. This book is considered heresy, and after a 200-year trial, he is banished from the court for a term of 800 years. Micromégas takes this as an incentive to travel around the Universe in a quest to develop his intellect and his spirit.
Details Micromegas Pdf Book
Name Of the Novel: Micromegas
Author: Voltaire
Country: France
Language: French
Published: 1752
Book Type: Pdf / ePub
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